Violist & Composer
Improvise This
Viola and Didjeridu
Nils Bultmann Stephen Kent HERTZHALL UC BERKELEY
Bluetech and Anthony Flowers🌿Improvised Viola

Music and Dance
Oakland Shadows Nils Bultmann Violist, Composer Stephen Kent Didgeridoo David Arend Bass This sample consists of four excerpts from a larger work titled “Oakland Shadows,”-- This project features 62 streets of Oakland (filmed by recording the images and sounds -and in some cases, other musicians- while walking between two intersections. This audio/visual material was projected onto a screen while performing live in a way such that the shadow appears on the screen, inviting the impression that one is walking in this neighborhood. There are several versions of this piece. These are excerpts from an online interactive version in which the user can choose which direction to go at each intersection, allowing them to explore this virtual neighborhood. The last excerpt from this piece is from a live performance and you can see the live viola player as well as the screen. This work was submitted in partial completion of Nils Bultmann's PHD at UC Berkeley. HERTZ HALL UC BERKELEY
"The Orchestra" Multi-Media installation Hertz Hall UC BERKELEY
Bach Project
Overview of Nils Bultmann's Suite for Solo Viola in G Major